Business Incubator: Introduction to UX, design thinking & professional digital communication

All the workshops and business incubators of The European-Ukrainian Hub are organized specifically for Ukrainians in Denmark.

Всі курси та бізнес-інкубатори Європейсько-Українського Хабу розроблені спеціально для українців в Данії.


Organisator: ReDi school's special offer for Ukrainian women.


 * Курс буде проходити фізично в The European-Ukrainian Hub, кількість місць обмежена


 * Вимоги до учасників:

  • Курс призначений для українських жінок.
  • Потрібно мати з собою власний ноутбук.
  • Обовʼязкова фізична присутність на всіх заняттях.
  • Виконання домашніх завдань.
  • Хочаб базові знання англійської мови, так як навчання буде проводитися англійською мовою.


We invite you to join the ReDI School incubator, which will provide participants with hard skills within User Experience and prototype development, soft skills within design thinking, pitching a product and digital networking, as well as new professional connections and a deeper understanding of career opportunities in tech in the Copenhagen area. In sum, the incubator will provide aspiring entrepreneurs with new skills which are in-demand in the tech sector and which support the development and marketing of new businesses.

Language: English

Time: Tuesdays from 17.30-20.30. Starting April 9th, ending June 11th. 

Place: "The European-Ukrainian Hub" Nicolai Eigtveds Gade, 24 København

Target audience:

  • You are interested in tech and gaining new skills in User Experience, design thinking, professional digital communication etc. - but you don’t need an IT background to participate in this course
  • You are open to develop digital business ideas in groups
  • You can follow a course in English
  • You can participate in the whole course, which is in-person
  • You are ready for a fun, challenging program which requires creativity and curiosity


Instructors: the teachers for this course are volunteers who work in the Danish tech & start-up sector. In this course you will meet some dedicated individuals who will share their professional experience and network with you, and provide industry-fresh input to the teaching. 


What will you get out of this course?

  • Skills within design thinking, project work, UX and professional communication that can be used to leverage your own business idea or to expand your professional opportunities in Danish workplaces
  • A new professional network with the volunteer teachers, start-ups, and the rest of the ReDI School Copenhagen community with students and teachers from all over the world
  • Access to company visits, networking events and softskill workshops with ReDI outside of the incubator program
  • A ReDI School certification of completion, if you participate actively in 8/10 classes and complete incubator deliveries


ReDI School * TEUH incubator program 

All classes take place Tuesdays from 17.30-20.30 at the European-Ukrainian Hub, Nicolai Eigtveds Gade 24 1402 København K. 

The ‘red thread’ through this course is working in smaller groups around a scalable business/project idea that must have a digital component - either in the product or the marketing strategy envisioned. We will generate the ideas together, and develop them systematically following design thinking methods.   

At the core of every ReDI School course is volunteer teachers who bring their professional expertise, inside knowledge and creativity to our courses. For that reason, the lesson plan outlined below can be subject to change. We may change the order of lessons, add new elements, or include more company visits. 



April 9th, Module 1: Introduction & idea generation

We will provide an overview over the course, activities and deliveries, introduce participants and volunteer teachers - and get started with brainstorm exercises and group formation.


April 16th, Module 2: Problem exploration & introduction to user research

We finalise group formation, move further in analytical approaches to explore the business ‘problem’ and be introduced to methods within user research and business analysis.


April 23th, Module 3: Research 

Research is analysed and ideas synthesised to create a problem definition. Personas introduced. The problem statement is finalised.


April 30th, Module 4: Go-to-market

Funding models, digital branding, marketing concepts introduced. We work with milestone charts from idea to product. 


May 7th, Module 5: Prototyping

Groups work with their prototypes (format depends on problem statement). A closer description of the product and a milestone plan is delivered.


May 14th, Module 6: Prototyping pt II & Testing

We continue to work on prototypes and design adequates forms of testing and viability-checking. 


May 21th, Module 7: Marketing continued

Combining the prototypes with testing results and finetuning the branding strategies. 


May 28th, Module 8: Introduction to pitching

We work to finalise our pitch decks and presentations.


June 4th, Module 9: Visit to start-ups

Travel costs will be covered by ReDI School. 


June 11th, Module 10: Pitching!

Final event where all groups pitch their products and receive feedback.


Scheduled activities

17.30 - 20.30
Module 1: Introduction & idea generation
17.30 - 20.30
Nicolai Eigtveds Gade 24 1402 København K
17.30 - 20.30
Module 2: Problem exploration & introduction to user research
17.30 - 20.30
Nicolai Eigtveds Gade 24 1402 København K
17.30 - 20.30
Module 3: Research
17.30 - 20.30
Nicolai Eigtveds Gade 24 1402 København K
17.30 - 20.30
Module 4: Go-to-market
17.30 - 20.30
Nicolai Eigtveds Gade 24 1402 København K
17.30 - 20.30
Module 5: Prototyping
17.30 - 20.30
Nicolai Eigtveds Gade 24 1402 København K
17.30 - 20.30
Module 6: Prototyping pt II & Testing
17.30 - 20.30
Nicolai Eigtveds Gade 24 1402 København K
17.30 - 20.30
Module 7: Marketing continued
17.30 - 20.30
Nicolai Eigtveds Gade 24 1402 København K
17.30 - 20.30
Module 8: Introduction to pitching
17.30 - 20.30
Nicolai Eigtveds Gade 24 1402 København K
17.30 - 20.30
Module 9: Visit to start-ups
17.30 - 20.30
Nicolai Eigtveds Gade 24 1402 København K
17.30 - 20.30
Module 10: Pitching!
17.30 - 20.30
Nicolai Eigtveds Gade 24 1402 København K


Registration is closed

Contact person

Veronika Rulli

Ivaekst ApS