EDI about European affairs: EU enlargement, climate change, policymakers, green transition, sustainability in business, etc.

All the workshops and business incubators of The European-Ukrainian Hub are organized specifically for Ukrainians in Denmark.

Всі курси та бізнес-інкубатори Європейсько-Українського Хабу розроблені спеціально для українців в Данії.


What does the EU mean to Ukrainians? And what do climate change, policymakers, green transition, and sustainability in business mean for Ukraine? 




Зустріч відбудеться фізично в The European-Ukranian Hub 25.04.2024 о 09:00 за адресою:  Nicolai Eigtveds Gade, 24 København

  *Physical – with the option of lifestreaming



 Language: English




     Natalia Popovich is the Chairperson of Ukraine House in Denmark. 

     Magnus Lund Nielsen is an EU writer and analyst from Denmark.

     Vera Skvirska, Anthropologist, Associate Professor, PhD, Moderator, Editor-in-Chief at The Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies.

     Svitlana Chekunova, Energy expert, Ukrainian Center for Political and Economic Studies. Her recent research has focused on green transition with an emphasis on energy: decarbonization of the energy systems including the design of renewable energy-friendly markets, regulatory frameworks, energy efficiency, and sustainability.



What does the EU mean to Ukrainians? And how is that telling of a potential common future with Ukraine inside the EU? 


This event will delve into the perceptions of the EU and European identity among political actors in Brussels and Kyiv. Experts from Denmark and Ukraine will provide us with their expertise, and you will be able to take an active part in the discussion.  


In the second part of the session, you will also be able to take active part as a participant, as we speak about Green transition sustainability in business, and we are keen to learn about your experiences.



 Points and Subjects that will be discussed:

  • Creating a shared understanding of Ukraine’s idea of the EU
  • Fostering dialogue between Ukrainians and Danish actors
  • Creating awareness of how European identity is used and understood across Europe and in Ukraine




  Ви завжди можете знайти більше інформації про майбутні майстер-класи та курси на нашому веб-сайті https://hub.dkiv.dk/uk/events, https://teuh.ehsys.dk/workshops  та в наших соціальних мережах:


 Telegram: https://t.me/EUUA_HUB     

 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanUkrainianHub    

 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-european-ukrainian-hub/     

 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/euua_hub/     

Scheduled activities

09.00 - 11.00
EDI about European affairs: EU enlargement, climate change, policymakers, green transition
09.00 - 11.00
Nicolai Eigtveds Gade 24 1402 København K Live stream: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89987262958


Registration is closed

Contact person

Veronika Rulli

Ivaekst ApS