Applying Permaculture Design Principles for Business and Life

All the workshops and business incubators of The European-Ukrainian Hub are organized specifically for Ukrainians in Denmark.

Всі курси та бізнес-інкубатори Європейсько-Українського Хабу розроблені спеціально для українців в Данії.



Зустріч відбудеться фізично 06.06.2024 о 17:00 за адресою:  Nicolai Eigtveds Gade 24 1402 København K

   *Physical – without the option of lifestreaming


Language: English



Speaker: Maribel Blasco

Maribel Blasco is Associate Professor at MSC Department at Copenhagen Business School. Her research focuses on management learning and higher education, notably at business schools; as well as cross-cultural inquiry. She is interested in learning not only as the transfer of know-how and technical skills but also more broadly as a process of identity formation, acculturation and development of tacit abilities such as intercultural competences, ethical awareness and creativity and innovation. She holds a Permaculture Design Certificate from the Nordic Permaculture Institute. Maribel Blasco is a co-coordinator of ''CBS Permahaven'' - a permaculture garden in the heart of Copenhagen.  



In this engaging lecture, participants will explore the application of permaculture design principles within the realms of business and daily life. Drawing from the ethos of permaculture—harmony with nature and sustainable living—the session will offer practical insights and actionable strategies for integrating these principles into professional endeavors and personal lifestyles.



Points and Subjects that will be discussed:

  1. Introduction to Permaculture Design Principles
  2. Permaculture thinking in Business
  3. Regenerative Approaches to Life Design
  4. Success Story: Permahaven Case Study
  5. Interactive Activities and Q&A


By the end of the lecture, participants will gain a deeper understanding of how permaculture design principles can serve as a framework for sustainable business practices, regenerative life design, and environmental stewardship, empowering them to create positive change in both professional and personal spheres.




Ви завжди можете знайти більше інформації про майбутні майстер-класи та курси на нашому веб-сайті,  та в наших соціальних мережах:






Scheduled activities

17.00 - 18.30
Applying Permaculture Design Principles for Business and Life
17.00 - 18.30
Nicolai Eigtveds Gade 24 1402 København K


Registration is closed

Contact person

Veronika Rulli

Ivaekst ApS