Business Tour: How to open a food business – restaurant Indisk

All the workshops and business incubators of The European-Ukrainian Hub are organized specifically for Ukrainians in Denmark.

Всі курси та бізнес-інкубатори Європейсько-Українського Хабу розроблені спеціально для українців в Данії.


Workshop will help you understand what it takes to open, run and develop a food business, including a restaurant. 




Зустріч відбудеться фізично 13.05.2024 о 15:00 за адресою:  Nørregade 38, 8000 Aarhus C



Language: English





Prasad Chougule
Prasad is the owner of the company. He started his own business many years ago. His experiences are about the practical way through rules and regulations to get a business in Denmark. His company has several employees today and is at several locations in Aarhus.


Edin Hajder:
Since 2012, Plus Consult v/Edin Hajder has been dedicated to supporting entrepreneurs through advisory services, guidance, coaching, and the establishment of entrepreneurial environments. It maintains regular contact with many entrepreneurs looking to start their own businesses. Edin Hajder, the owner of Plus Consult, has engaged with and advised over 1000 entrepreneurs, offering extensive experience and a vast network in the field. 

Edin's work involves proactive guidance, counseling for young individuals at relevant educational institutions, conducting informational meetings, various entrepreneur workshops, contributing to the establishment of entrepreneur networks, providing advice, coaching, and guidance for a diverse range of entrepreneurs, and establishing numerous mentorship programs. His approach includes using a "startup guide" combined with personality testing and clarification, where entrepreneurs respond to questions about personal, professional, and social competencies, concluding with a coaching session.

Edin is highly extroverted, possesses excellent communication skills, is innovative, and excels in relationship-building. Additionally, he is a proficient instructor, facilitator, and demonstrates strong organizational skills in organizing informational meetings, courses, and workshops. These qualities contributed to Edin's entrepreneurs winning the 'Entrepreneurship in Denmark Award' for the best entrepreneur nationwide in 2012, with four of them ranking among the top 10 in the country.


Hans Peter Wolsing:
Entrepreneurial portal was created by Hans Peter Wolsing in the company Startinfo Aps, founded in November 2018. The website has evolved from scratch to become a widely utilized source of knowledge and insights for entrepreneurs. comprises: An Entrepreneur Guide before, during, and after startup and a mapping of offerings for entrepreneurs across all 98 municipalities.

Hans Peter's background includes multiple startups, initially as a side business during university studies. His first venture, an advertising agency, became his main occupation for almost three years until a position as an entrepreneur advisor in a local business bureau beckoned. This led to 13 years as an entrepreneur advisor in two different roles, concurrently operating a consultancy as a side business. Following this, he spent 18 years as a regional entrepreneur coordinator and project manager at the current Business House North Denmark.

Hans Peter is exceptionally knowledgeable about Danish entrepreneurship, having advised over 3,000 entrepreneurs.



Through an example and talk from the current owner of the restaurant, Indisk, the workshop will take you through the opening, running and development of a restaurant. You will also get to know the requirements and the rules around owning a restaurant. You will also get general introductions to opening a business in Denmark.



 Points and Subjects that will be discussed:

     1. Practical examples of how the owner has opened a business in Denmark

     2. Rules and regulations about food businesses -  seen also from the owner's angle

     3. Introduction to how you can start your own business in Denmark



Увага! Реєстрацію буде припинено одразу після дoсягнення ліміту осіб, визначених компанією. 



Ви завжди можете знайти більше інформації про майбутні майстер-класи та курси на нашому веб-сайті,  та в наших соціальних мережах:






Scheduled activities

15.00 - 18.00
Business Tour: How to open a food business – restaurant Indisk
15.00 - 18.00
Indisk, Nørregade 38, 8000 Aarhus C


Registration is closed

Contact person

Veronika Rulli

Ivaekst ApS